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Poker Run

Peanut Proud Poker Run 2025!
Saturday, March 1
Poker Run 2025



Rider Registration & T-Shirt Order Form
  • *Persons must be 18 years old to participate*
    I understand and acknowledge that involvement in the PEANUT PROUD POKER RUN involves calculated risks to life and limb. However, I accept the risks of this activity and I hereby release, and will indemnify and hold FRIENDS OF PEANUT PROUD, INC. and event organizers, their officers, staff, volunteers, promoters, sponsors, participants, agents, representatives and all other persons harmless from and against all claims, demands, liability, loss, damages, costs and expenses(including attorney fees) and all other liability of every type and character, including but not limited to claims for injuries to property or persons(including crippling or disfiguring injury or death), arising from, or incurred as a result of my participation in the PEANUT PROUD POKER RUN, and I fully assume and accept all associated risks.

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